DC link power film capacitors take voltage ratings up to 1300 VDC

DC link power film capacitors take voltage ratings up to 1300 VDC

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The capacitors feature a low ESR of 1 to 4.3mOhm, typical) and a low ESL of 50 to 80nH, typical. Ripple currents are up to 70A RMS from 10kHz to 100kHz, and capacitance ranges from 160µF to 680µF as standard.

All capacitors are tested to the environmental specifications of MIL-STD-202, and come in a compact, cost-effective design. The high capacitance density and ripple current capabilities of DC power link capacitors make them ideal replacements for electrolytic capacitors. Custom, application-specific designs are welcome, with a variety of terminations and specifications available.

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