DC to 4 GHz packaged power pHEMT

DC to 4 GHz packaged power pHEMT

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By eeNews Europe

The device’s ideal operating point for low noise operation is at a drain bias of 5 V and 150 mA. At this bias at 900 MHz when matched into 50 ohms using external components, this device is capable of 16 dB gain, 0.6dB noise figure, and 39.5 dBm output IP3. Other specifications include P1dB of 26.5 dBm, input return loss of -8 dB and output return loss of -18 dB.

Typical applications include cellular base stations, WiMAX, wireless infrastructure, and low noise amplifiers.

The combination of high gain, low noise, and excellent linearity makes this an ideal component for use in a 3G or 4G receive chain. Evaluation boards at 900 MHz are available.

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