Demo kit targets goJTAG initiative

Demo kit targets goJTAG initiative

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The networking founded by various universities and the Company Testonica Lab pursues the goal to provide the industry JTAG/Boundary Scan tools and knowledge based on an independent and non-commercial platform, sustainably accelerating the wide adoption of standardized IEEE 1194.x test methods.

The centre piece of GOEPEL electronic’s engagement is the provision of free hardware and respective reference designs. “The response to the goJTAG initiative so far has significantly exceeded our expectations”, says Frank Amm, Third Party Relations Manager with GOEPEL electronic. “At the same time, the huge interest has emphasized the topic’s importance to the industry as well as its significance for research and education. Developing the goJTAG demo kit has been meeting the great demand for supplementing the theoretical basics by practical exercises”.

The open-source project goJTAG is the first platform providing IEEE 1149.1 training software that can be run in both simulation mode as well as online mode.

The tool enables numerous graphical displays on various levels. In the online mode users are able to utilise the software for the new demo board for individual projects without restrictions. Additionally, the goJTAG software includes simulation components that fully reveal every single bit movement along the scan chains with a single TCK precision. Hence, users are able to step-wise control TAP states and observe system’s reaction in a real time as an on-screen simulation.

Such a detailed illustration of JTAG/Boundary Scan test principles has not been possible so far. The source code written in JAVA is freely accessible and can be changed under the generally terms and conditions for open-source software.

Furthermore, the reference designs for the specifically developed controller PicoTAP and the new demo board are available for non-commercial applications free-of-charge. As part of the support GOEPEL electronic will soon provide a contingency of 20 goJTAG demo kits for free.

Additional information can be found at

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