Develop Silicon Labs Gecko-MCU systems with IAR IDE

Develop Silicon Labs Gecko-MCU systems with IAR IDE

New Products |
By Graham Prophet

The IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM toolchain now supports the Wireless Gecko SoCs, that offer an ARM Cortex-M4 core as well as advanced hardware cryptography; options include Thread and ZigBee stacks for mesh networks, intuitive radio interface software for proprietary protocols, and Bluetooth Low Energy technology for point-to-point connectivity.


The development toolchain provides extensive debugging and profiling possibilities such as complex code and data breakpoints, runtime stack analysis, call stack visualization, code coverage analysis and integrated monitoring of power consumption. For complete code control, IAR Systems also offers integrated add-on tools for static analysis and runtime analysis. Developers can improve efficiency and shorten the time to market, reuse code across projects and reduce the costs for training, maintenance, and managing of licenses.


Support for the Wireless Gecko SoCs is available using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, from version 7.60. More details about the tools, and free trial versions, are available at;


IAR Systems;



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