Devicescape finds Wi-Fi consumption drives appetite for cellular data

Devicescape finds Wi-Fi consumption drives appetite for cellular data

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

The company has shared its latest data demonstrating that consumer consumption of cellular data grows significantly for the majority of users following the introduction of an integrated Wi-Fi and cellular service.

The policy-based ABC system intelligently manages the movement of users between cellular networks, the Devicescape Curated Virtual Network of 20 million amenity Wi-Fi locations worldwide, and private hotspots in the home and office.

Given automated access to the best available networks, end users ‘supersized’ their overall data consumption. Within three months, the average user’s combined cellular and Wi-Fi data consumption grew by 48%.

While a 17% increase in cellular data represents an excellent operator revenue opportunity, end users themselves were able to exploit Wi-Fi for a dramatic increase in overall data consumed against a small incremental investment in cellular.

“When operators deliver an intelligent, integrated Wi-Fi and cellular experience like this, end users choose to use more of everything,” said Dave Fraser, CEO of Devicescape. “The user’s cost-per-megabyte comes down, the customer experience improves and the operator drives up ARPU.”

The ABC solution gives operators sophisticated policy controls to drive a range of outcomes, addressing different market segments. While some operators that have deployed shared data plans are using it to drive increased cellular usage, others that favour unlimited data plans are configuring the solution to more effectively manage network resources.

“Mobile operators have long worried that Wi-Fi use will cannibalize cellular data,” said Fraser. “But, as these figures show, the opposite is true. Always Best Connected gives consumers a lot more data for a little more spend, and it frees operators to manage and monetize the entire data experience.”

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