Dialog applies Bluetooth Low Energy to tyre pressure monitoring

Dialog applies Bluetooth Low Energy to tyre pressure monitoring

Market news |
By eeNews Europe

Most typical TPMS sensors, Dialog noes, use proprietary or non-standard sub-GHz radios to transfer information to the car’s computer, but by replacing these radios with Bluetooth low energy connectivity, TPMS can now take advantage of a worldwide standard and the interoperability it brings with the added benefit of long battery lifetime and smartphone connectivity.


Dialog is addressing the TPMS market with the DA14585, which it positions as the lowest cost, lowest power Bluetooth low energy SoC in high volume production today. To build a Bluetooth low energy-enabled TPMS, only sensors supporting pressure, temperature and acceleration and a battery need to be added. The DA14585 handles the entire processing required for the TPMS application, with no additional microcontroller needed. Further benefits include high security, upgradable firmware and connectivity to car computers via a single node for all Bluetooth low energy functions.


“TPMS is already mandated in the United States, South Korea, and the European Union,” said Sean McGrath, SVP and GM of the Connectivity, Automotive and Industrial Business Unit, Dialog Semiconductor. “With other countries such as China and Japan reviewing their own mandates, the early adoption of Bluetooth low energy for TPMS represents an excellent opportunity for Dialog to support the automotive market’s move into the next phase of connectivity and also address the rapidly-growing TPMS aftermarket with these first design wins.”






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