Dual engine for real-time embedded IoT database

Dual engine for real-time embedded IoT database

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

ITTIA has updated its real time IoT embedded SQL database with separate data processing and data management for streaming data and high-performance analysis.

ITTIA DB v8 is a hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP) real-time embedded database for both microcontrollers and microprocessors in industrial automation, medical devices, automotive, transportation, and aerospace applications.

It combines the best traits of online transaction processing (OLTP) with online analytical processing (OLAP) optimized for monitoring, storing and analyzing time series data locally on the device.

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The ITTIA Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) is conformant to the principles of IEC/ISO 62443 so that ITTIA DB v8 is built securely for embedded, real-time, and IoT applications. This new release enables developers to derive deeper insights more effectively by understanding raw data where it originates, empowering embedded systems to gain predictive capability, and benefit from database security for IoT devices.

Key features of ITTIA DB version 8 include unified stream processing and persistent storage, real-time analysis of live measurements, dynamically updated device parameters, rolling average computed over a tumbling time window, and ITTIA DB Security Expert Agent Library (DB-SEAL).

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