Dual picture video processor for high resolution automotive panels

Dual picture video processor for high resolution automotive panels

New Products |
By Graham Prophet

With increased demand for larger panels with higher resolutions, this video processor supports 1920 x 720 at 60 frames per second (fps) and 1920 x 1080 at 30 fps panels, improving on previous processors, which only supported up to WVGA resolution. The TC90195XBG incorporates a built-in picture improver circuit to enhance low resolution images for display on high resolution panels. It can also output two digital video signals, to a WXGA+ panel and a WVGA panel simultaneously. With its built-in frame memory and a line-drawing engine, TC90195XBG can be used for rear view camera systems as well as supporting rear seat entertainment, and infotainment systems.


The processor supports picture composition and picture separation modes with internal frame memory. The input stage complies with LVDS (OpenLDI) and LVTTL; a single image is composed from these two signals and displayed to a WXGA+ panel. Alternatively, it can separate the signals and output them independently to two panels, with resolutions of 1280 x 720 (LVDS output) and 800 x 480 (LVTTL output).





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