Dual-picture video processor powers automotive hi-res screens
With increased demand for larger panels with higher resolutions, Toshiba’s new video processor TC90195XBG supports 1920×720 at (60 frames per second (fps) and 1920×1080 at 30fps panels, improving on previous processors, which only supported up to WVGA resolution. The new device incorporates a built-in picture improver circuit to enhance low-resolution images for display on high-resolution panels. It can also output two digital video signals, to a WXGA+ panel and a WVGA panel simultaneously.
With its built-in frame memory and a line-drawing engine, the TC90195XBG can be used for rear-view camera systems as well as supporting rear-seat entertainment and infotainment systems.
The processor supports picture composition and picture separation modes with internal frame memory. The input stage complies with LVDS (OpenLDI) and LVTTL; a single image is composed from these two signals and displayed to a WXGA+ panel. Alternatively, it can separate the signals and output them independently to two panels, with resolutions of 1280 x 720 (LVDS output) and 800 x 480 (LVTTL output).
Samples oare available now; mass production is scheduled to start in June 2016.
More information: https://www.toshiba.semicon-storage.com/