€10m boost for quantum technology development

€10m boost for quantum technology development

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

The Quantum Technologies Industrial (QuTI) project in Finland, coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, will develop new components, manufacturing and testing solutions and algorithms for the needs of quantum technology.

The consortium, partly financed by Business Finland with a budget of €10m, consists of 12 partners including optics specialist Rockley Photonics, material equipment firm Picosun and application developer Saab.

The three year QuTI project covers the full value chain of quantum industry from materials and hardware to software and system-level solutions. Other partners include Aalto University, Tampere University and CSC – IT Centre for Science alongside Bluefors, Afore, IQM Quantum Computers, Quantastica and Vexlum.

“Quantum technology is a multidisciplinary and rapidly advancing field. The QuTI consortium provides an ideal starting point for strengthening the international competitiveness of Finnish technology and industry in this fast-growing field,” says QuTI project’s coordinator, Professor Mika Prunnila from VTT.

The quantum computing, communication and sensing devices to be developed in the QuTI project are largely based on expertise in microsystems, photonics, electronics and cryogenics. The project develops customized software and algorithms hand in hand with the hardware, strengthening the Finnish quantum computing infrastructure. In addition, new tools will be created for quantum technology product development that will serve the needs of the QuTI project as well as the entire field of quantum technology.

“Quantum technology offers great opportunities for Finnish industry, and we want to be involved in supporting this development. We see that the QuTI project is in many ways a concrete starting point for the Finnish quantum ecosystem,” says Kari Leino, Ecosystem Lead at Business Finland.

The fabrication of quantum technology components requires a cleanroom environment. The Micronova cleanroom facility in Espoo, Finland, operated jointly by VTT and Aalto University,  enables applied research and small-scale commercial manufacturing of quantum microsystems for the needs of quantum computing, communication and sensing. Micronova, part of the national Otanano research infrastructure, plays a significant role in both the QuTI project and quantum technology R&D in Finland. QuTI will also use the cleanroom of Tampere University focusing on optoelectronics fabrication.

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