The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) has announced the 27 projects in its second call for proposals with funding of €130m.
6G trial projects will start in January with more detailed design and system optimisation while integrating microelectronics and sustainability requirements.
The aim is to build first-class 6G technology capacities across Europe and to strongly contribute to standardisation efforts and there are currently 62 research, innovation, and trial projects. One project that was selected focuses on EU-US research cooperation.
The future 3rd and 4th SNS JU Calls and the resulting projects that will start in 2025 and 2026 respectively.
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Several of the projects focus on system architecture. These include 6G-CLOUD service-oriented 6G network architecture for distributed, intelligent, and sustainable cloud-native communication systems, 6G-TWIN integrating Network Digital Twins into Future AI-based 6G Systems, ORIGAMI with Optimised resource integration and global architecture for mobile infrastructure for 6G, 6G-INTENSE for Intent-driven Native AI Architecture supporting Compute-Network abstraction and Sensing at the Edge and EXIGENCE to devise and explore a novel approach for energy consumption and carbon footprint reduction of ICT services in6G networks.
In Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing projects sees 6G-DISAC for Distributed Intelligent Sensing and Communication, 6G-GOALS for 6G Goal-Oriented AI-enabled Learning and Semantic Communication Networks, iSEE-6G for Integrated SEnsing, Energy and communication for 6G networks, INSTINCT for Joint Sensing and Communications for Future Interactive, Immersive, and Intelligent Connectivity Beyond Communications, 6G-SENSES for Seamless Integration of Efficient 6G Wireless Technologies for Communication and Sensing and 6G-MUSICAL for 6G-Multiband Wireless and Optical Signalling for Integrated Communications, Sensing and Localization.
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The Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices projects will see PROTEUS-6G developing programmable Reconfigurable Optical Transport for Efficiently offering Unconstrained Services in 6G, ECO-eNET developing efficient Confluent Edge Networks), Opti-6G for Optical 6G Cell Free Networks and 6G-EWOC for AI-Enhanced fibre-Wireless Optical 6G network in support of connected mobility).
Other projects are looking at more secure networks as well as a pan-EU federated Infrastructure for research. Large Scale Trials and Pilots will look at connected and automated mobility, healthcare, smart cities, farming, education through the 6G-PATH (6G Pilots and Trials Through Europe) and ENVELOPE (Evaluation and validation of connected mobility in real open systems beyond 5GS).
In this second call, there is also a strong push towards the advancement of European microelectronics in providing solutions for next-generation communication networks and devices at various levels of the device data processing chain, from baseband and mixed-signal processing to RF and Antenna system, covering frequency ranges from sub-6GHz up to THz. The FirstTo6G project is looking at (Fourier-Domain TRx Solutions Enabling Widespread Realisation of 6G, 6G-REFERENCE for 6G Hardware Enablers For Cell Free Coherent Communications & Sensing and TeraGreen for Energy-Efficient Terabit Wireless Links.
In addition, the SNS JU is fostering a The aim of this particular topic is to seamlessly integrate AI to enhance the capabilities of the 6G network, while also ensuring the collaboration between EU and US stakeholders is concrete and productive. The winning project is
The 6G-XCEL (6G Trans-Continental Edge Learning) is working with US partners to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into 6G networks.