Embedded tool-chain configuration based on a compiler porting service
This service enables the migration of a project from one tool-chain (IDE and Compiler) to another. The service includes every aspect of migration: C and Assembly files are modified as necessary, linker and setup files are created, and a project is created specifically for the newly chosen target tool-chain which mirrors the configurations found in the original project. The end developer typically needs less than half a day to be up and running with his new tool-chain.
The porting service can pay for itself, especially when moving from an expensive proprietary commercial tool-chain to a GCC-based one. There are multiple reasons to take advantage of this service which include:
– No dependency on a particular vendor;
– Remove problems with license management;
– Increase productivity;
– Reduced cost;
– Better editor/debugger;
– More flexibility.
Porting from one tool-chain to another is easiest and therefore least expensive, if the firmware is based on Segger middleware. “Due to years of experience with different tool-chains, it is easy for our engineers to migrate projects from one tool-chain to another. We do it all the time. And, with the obvious trend found in our industry, of companies moving to GCC-based tool-chains, a porting service to help facilitate this only makes sense. We find that companies are switching to all forms of GCC-based tool-chains, be they Visual-Studio-Style or Eclipse, commercial or free”, says Ivo Geilenbruegge, Managing Director of Segger.
Segger; www.segger.com