Enea OSE chosen to boost throughput and reduce latency in 5G basestation

Enea OSE chosen to boost throughput and reduce latency in 5G basestation

Business news |
By Wisse Hettinga

Enea OSE was chosen based on its ability to combine high throughput with low latency on multicore processors. In the design, Enea OSE will provide the runtime for L2 baseband processing on a 24-core CPU. Thanks to the unique capability of Enea OSE to linearly scale performance over many cores, developers benefit from high throughput while keeping the freedom to design user applications.

With the introduction of 5G networks, access systems must be able to handle considerably higher bandwidth, far lower latencies and massive connection density. Enea OSE provides the low latency and high throughput needed, in a platform that also provides a migration path for future updates, and the flexibility to support different CRAN splits.

“Leading TEMs are designing in commercial-grade technology into their 4.5G and 5G RANs right now. They need performance and portability to support an evolutionary path, and this is exactly what they get with Enea OSE”, said Karl Mörner, SVP of Product Management at Enea.

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