Enhanced LoRa module is based around Renesas Synergy platform

Enhanced LoRa module is based around Renesas Synergy platform

By eeNews Europe

Miromico’s FMLR-61-x-RSS3 module uses the Renesas Synergy Platform to provide access to MCUs and a large production-grade software package. The S3A6 MCU on the LoRa-based module can handle additional tasks, while streaming data across a LoRaWAN-based network.

The module measures 14.2mm x 19.5mm and has an operating voltage of 1.8V to 3.3V, and a power consumption ranging from 1.4uA in sleep mode to 25.5mA (typical) in TX mode (14dBm). Receiver sensitivity is -148dBm in LoRa mode SF12@10.4 kHz, and the module’s operating temperature range is -40 to 85°C. The module uses the new licensed LoRaWAN stack with Firmware-Over-The-Air (FOTA) capabilities.

The FMLR-61-x-RSS3 module is powered by the S3A6 MCU with a 48 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 core, and 256 KB code Flash memory, 8 KB data Flash, and 32 KB SRAM. Most MCU signals are available at the module level to make them externally accessible. The S3A6 peripheral set includes analogue features such as a 14-bit SAR ADC, 12-bit DAC, op amps, and comparators. Various timer channels and serial ports, USB function, CAN, DMA, and powerful safety and security hardware make the S3A6 an ideal MCU for a wide range of battery-operated applications.

The Renesas Synergy Platform features the Synergy Software Package (SSP), which comprises a large selection of production-grade software. SSP includes the ThreadX® RTOS and lots of associated middleware such as a file system, USB stack, GUI software, application frameworks and functional libraries that can be used for encryption and DSP functions.

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