EPC, ADI team for 2MHz GaN DC-DC converter reference design

EPC, ADI team for 2MHz GaN DC-DC converter reference design

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

EPC and Analog Devices have teamed up on the design of a 2MHz DC-DC converter using gallium nitride (GaN) FETs.

The EPC9160 is a dual output synchronous buck converter reference design board with an input voltage of 9 V to 24 V and 3.3 V or 5 V output voltage. It provides up to 15 A continuous current for both outputs.

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The high switching frequency reduces the size of the magnetics, allowing the inductor to be just 3mm high and the overall converter to be 23 mm x 22 mm for both outputs.

The high density and thickness of the design make the design suitable for  automotive console applications, where 2 MHz switching frequency is preferred, and computing, industrial, consumer, and telecom power systems requiring small size and a very thin profile.

The EPC9160 reference design uses the EPC2055 enhancement-mode GaN FET and the LTC7890 two-phase analog buck controller with integrated GaN drivers.

The LTC7890 100 V low Iq, dual, 2-phase synchronous step-down controller is fully optimized to drive EPC eGaN FETs and integrates a half-bridge driver and smart bootstrap diode. It offers optimized near-zero deadtime or programmable deadtime and programmable switching frequency up to 3 MHz. The quiescent current of 5 uA (VIN = 48 V, VOUT = 5 V, CH1 only) enables very low standby power consumption and excellent light load efficiency.

The EPC2055 40 V eGaN FETs offer 3 mOhm max RDS(on), 6.6 nC QG, 0.7 nC QGD, 1.3 nC QOSS, and zero QRR in a super small 2.5 mm x 1.5 mm footprint and can deliver up to 29 A continuous current and 161 A peak current.

The efficiency of the EPC9160 is greater than 93 % for 5 V output and 24 V input. In addition to light load operating mode and adjustable dead time, the board offers UVLO, Over-current protection, and power good output.

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