Farnell element14 stocking PocketBeagle

Farnell element14 stocking PocketBeagle

By eeNews Europe

The Linux-based board is ideal for both beginners and professionals. PocketBeagle is based on Octavo Systems’ OSD3358-SM 21mm x 21mm system-in-package and is powered by an Octavo Systems OSD3358 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 with 512MB DDR3 RAM, integrated power management and 2×32-bit 200-MHz programmable real-time units (PRUs). The board has 72 expansion pin headers with power and battery I/Os high-speed USB, 8 analogue inputs and 44 digital I/Os, as well as digital interface peripherals microUSB host/client and microSD connectors

For new users, Farnell element14 has produced a series of videos featuring Felix Gardner to walk users through the basics of Linux.


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