Fastest C-Compiler for i251 from Dolphin Integration, on free discovery license

Fastest C-Compiler for i251 from Dolphin Integration, on free discovery license

New Products |
By Graham Prophet

This, the company says, is “fresh air” in the i251 software ecosystem with its SmartVision™ IDE, now embedding a C-compiler using the leading-edge technologies from LLVM / Clang. This state-of-the-art C-compiler significantly improves speed and power consumption of any i80251-based application. It boosts the most cost-effective CPU, which offers unprecedent speed and power consumption, proving once more that upgrading to a 32-bit CPU is not always the best solution.

Key benefits of SmartVision IDE for i80251-based applications:

– Enhanced code enabling to execute an application program faster or to reduce its power consumption

– Reduced number of memory accesses enabling to reduce power consumption

– Most expressive warning messages to develop faster C programs

– Advanced debugging features with Breakpoint Composer, a graphic interface to intuitively design complex breakpoints

– FreeRTOS operating system

– Full support of up-to-date C standards

– Library of optimized standard C functions SmartLib™ updated for i80251

– Free discovery license without any functional limitation


Note that all the required usually called “standard” features are available: code coverage, profiling, memory viewing, variables representation, etc.

The user-friendly debug interface and the system modelling capabilities of SmartVision IDE, providing for instance the capability to model and to estimate the power consumption of the system, provide unprecedented capability to develop faster and more safely an application program. Furthermore, the support of FreeRTOS operating system also comes natively within SmartVision and debugging thanks to brand-new features, has never been simpler with an RTOS.



The Breakpoint Composer is among these brand-new features which enable to design breakpoints that capture complex behaviours of a system. Its intuitive graphical interface, allows implementation of complex checks such as:

– Real-time constraint verifications

– System properties for safety related issues

The free discovery license grants, during six months, an unlimited access to all features of SmartVision for i251, including Dolphin Integration’s Built-In Real-time Debugging (BIRD).


SmartVision is provided with detailed tutorials and application notes to ease the migration from any old-fashioned IDE. It can be downloaded from the GHS site;





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