Fifth generation PCI Express test set supports multivendor scopes

Fifth generation PCI Express test set supports multivendor scopes

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

The system will be on display at the PCI-SIG Developers Conference 2018 this week.

The test set has been developed for both PCI Express transmitter and receiver tests with automation software for the MP1900A. With PCI Express Gen5 doubling transmission speed from 16 to 32 GT/s, customers will have to upgrade their current bit error rate tester (BERT) and oscilloscopes. The PCI Express test solution is based on the combination of automation software supporting BERT measurements up to Gen5 transmission speeds using Anritsu’s MP1900A and customers’ own high-quality oscilloscopes.

The MP1900A is a wideband BERT with high-quality waveforms and high input sensitivity to implement high-reproducibility tests for evaluating not only PCI Express devices but also high-speed serial devices, such as 400 GbE.

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