Fixed satellite services market continues to grow

Fixed satellite services market continues to grow

Market news |
By eeNews Europe

In their latest report MarketsandMarkets report that the fixed satellite services market is expected to grow from $13.46 billion in 2014 to $17.21 billion by 2019, at an estimated CAGR of 5.0% from 2014 to 2019.

Currently, the fixed satellite market is able to adequately serve its users with the allocated spectrum as well as provide backup for fiber-optic cables. According to MarketsandMarkets this makes satellite communication the best choice for multi-point communication. Another, emerging area of importance is In-Flight data communications services for commercial airlines, some of which are carrying out trials or have already implemented satellite communications for In-Flight Wi-Fi.

Satellite services play an important role in missson critical communications and in providing services in remote areas, especially in maritime, mining, and military applications. MarketsandMarkets highlight some trends in the fixed satellite market, one being the innovation and utilization of transponders.

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