Former Moortec executives create chip monitor startup

Former Moortec executives create chip monitor startup

Business news |
By Peter Clarke

Stephen Crosher and other former executives with Moortec Semiconductor Ltd. have founded Monic Semiconductor Ltd. (Plymouth, England).

The goal of the company is to “develop the next generation of monitors and sensors to address the power, performance and reliability challenges faced by complex silicon systems.”

Moortec, which was a leading developer of in-chip sensors for monitoring and controlling performance, was sold to EDA company Synopys Inc. in 2020 (see Synopsys buys Moortec to take on Mentor) for an undisclosed sum.

Crosher served Moortec as CEO. Oliver King served as CTO and Claire King was CFO. It is not clear whether the three will serve in the same positions at Monic Semiconductor. All three are listed as directors.

The three have been operating a semiconductor consultancy called Monical Group since 2022. This has been aimed at helping semiconductor innovators, startups and SMEs achieve rapid growth.

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