Foundry creates 100mm-diameter single-crystal diamond wafer

Diamond Foundry Inc. (San Francisco, Calif.) has created the world’s first monocrystalline diamond wafer with a diameter of 100mm.
The company is planning to offer diamond substrates as a route to improved thermal performance, which in turn can lead to improved AI compute and wireless communications and smaller power electronics.
The company uses a process it calls heteroepitaxy to lay down carbon atoms and creates single-crystal diamond on scalable substrates. Diamond wafers have previously been produced but based on compressed diamond powder and lacking the properties of monocrystalline diamond.
Diamond Foundry said it’s next goal is to reduce the defect density of its diamond wafer to realize a figure of merit that is 17,200x superior to silicon and 60x to silicon carbide.
Diamond Foundry operates a diamond and wafer production facility in Washington State.
The company was founded in 2012 and operates in the jewelry and luxury goods market as well as in the semiconductor sector. On its Linkedin site the company states it has received US$515 million in funding and is executing on a multibillion-dollar expansion plan turning greenhouse gas into diamond wafers using zero-emission energy.
A similar company, Diamfab SA (Grenoble, France), was founded in Europe in 2019. Diamfab synthesizes and dopes diamond epitaxial layers grown on other substrates with a view to making superior power devices in diamond.”
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