Free download eases implementation of USB-PD 3.0 Power Delivery
The software stack allows the implementation of a USB Type-C Port Controller Interface (TCPCi) specification compliant solution, and can manage a separate single- or multi-port Type-C Port Controller (TCPC) chip. The X-CUBE-USB-PD stack is capable of implementing the protocol layer and policy engine of USB Power Delivery Specification (USB-PD 3.0 v1.1). The stack has low processor resource needs, has a low memory footprint and only uses one I2C bus address and one alert pin per port. Standard register maps ensure easy interoperability with any connected TCPC device.
The software can support all USB-PD 3.0 options, including Programmable Power Supply (PPS), Fast Role Swap (FRS) and authentication-message exchange.
The stack has been tested with ON Semiconductor’s FUSB307B, a USB-PD 3.0 v1.1-certified TCPC chip. FUSB307B provides a 1Mbps I2C MCU interface and handles USB functionality. Time-critical Power-Delivery functions that offload the MCU effectively enable any STM32 to manage multi-port, multi-role USB-PD interfaces. X-CUBE-USB-PD currently contains libraries tested on STM32 Arm Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M4 MCUs, and other STM32 series will be introduced by the end of this year.
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