On-board hardware extensions provide easy connection to other boards or devices for deeper testing of the microcontroller peripherals. All kits contain LEDs and push buttons and enable access to all device pins through an extension header.
Today, Discovery Kits are available for ST’s: standard 8-bit (STM8S), the STM8S-Discovery; ultra-low-power 8-bit (STM8L), the STM8L-Discovery; as well as the standard 32-bit (STM32) microcontroller series, the STM32VL-Discovery. At Embedded World 2011, a new Discovery Kit will be introduced for ST’s 32-bit ultra-low-power family, the STM32L, and it will be available in April 2011.
Normally priced below €10, Discovery Kits have become hugely popular with the embedded design community as the perfect tool for discovering the possibilities of ST’s microcontrollers, with some 100,000 units shipped to date.
For a printable voucher and further information, visit www.st.com/ew2011