Global engineering community challenged to ‘Detect and Protect’
The COVID-19 Detect and Protect Challenge will ask engineers to design low-cost and easily deployable software, hardware and services to help support the detection and prevention of COVID-19 in the world’s most vulnerable areas. Projects will be curated by Hackster and the UNDP, which will also work with each creator to deploy their projects.
Avnet will also offer support in the form of business consultation and access to engineering, design and manufacturing resources. Hackster has partnered with Amazon Web Services, Arduino, Arm, Edge Impulse, Google, Microsoft, Nordic Semiconductor, Nvidia, NXP, Soracom and The Things Industries for sponsorship, prizes and hardware and/or design support for a selection of project submissions.
Entries will be evaluated throughout the Summer of 2020. The top ten inventions, selected by UNDP, will receive global recognition and monetary awards.
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