GOEPEL supports Energy Micro’s Wonder Gecko MCU with new emulation test and debug libraries
The support extends the capability of GOEPEL electronic’s technology for in-circuit emulation, test and debug, to the full range of Energy Micro’s EFM32 series MCUs.
The VarioTAP technology ensures that applications get the highest test coverage and allows processor emulation to be performed at system level. This enables the functional testing of all board components and validation of the code that will subsequently be loaded into the processor’s embedded flash program memory. Test patterns, based on processor-specific library models, are generated from the MCU code and are used to control the target device via its boundary scan or debug interface. In the case of Energy Micro’s ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 based MCUs, VarioTAP utilises the ARM Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface. Signals are applied to the system under test via GOEPEL electronic’s SCANFLEX TAP transceiver hardware.
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