Graphene Hall Effect sensor suited to battery measurement
The graphene GHS01AT Hall Effect sensor provides high resolution but is optimised for use in relatively low field environments and at normal ambient temperatures and will provide a more detailed and localised (point-to-point) understanding of battery cell behaviour.
The detailed mapping of current density can be used to detect hotspots and provide insights into the physical processes occurring in the lead up to their formation. They could be applied in service or in R&D for the development of battery chemistries and design concepts.
The GHS01AT has a graphene monolayer that prevents the sensor from being affected by in-plane stray electromagnetic fields that would impact the accuracy of alternative sensing mechanisms. The small footprint allows good spatial resolution.
Paragraf is also offering its GHS Array Starter Kit. This compact board enables simultaneous measurements to be taken from up to eight GHS01AT sensors. Each sensor is attached to a probe with a 1.5m serial interface cable and is accompanied by its own temperature sensor for simultaneous temperature monitoring and temperature correction of the magnetic measurement data.
“This new device easily outperforms what is currently available in terms of both magnetic field and spatial resolution. It means that, for the first time, battery manufacturers can compile comprehensive datasets relating to the internal structure of their products from a current density perspective,” said Simon Thomas, CEO of Paragraf, in a statement.
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