Graphensic to develop its graphene on silicon carbide business

Graphensic to develop its graphene on silicon carbide business

Business news |
By eeNews Europe

With an increasing customer demand of their graphene, there is a need to focus more on international business development and company visions. Therefore Jonas Nilsson, previously CEO of SP Devices, is recruited as chairman of the board.

Graphene is one of the hottest materials for future applications. It is a close balance between research and market applications which makes it challenging to predict the market. Recently the graphene research area was given a 1 billion euro funding from the European Commission as one of Europe’s first 10-year, 1,000 million euro FET flagships.

As CEO Jonas Nilsson has built up SP Devices from a university spin off to a commercial company. His mission is to further develop the business approach of the company, and looks forward to his new assignments.

Graphensic is an exciting young company with a great potential in a market that can offer tremendous opportunities. It will be exciting to see how we can bring the company to the next level, says Jonas Nilsson about his new role.

Graphensic is located at the Mjärdevi Science Park close to the Linköping University and it is a company within LEAD Incubator that supports companies with business development.

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