Hailo-8 deep learning processor capable of 26-TOPS

Hailo-8 deep learning processor capable of 26-TOPS

Technology News |
By Peter Clarke

Hailo said it is sampling the chip to companies across multiple industry sectors but with a focus on automotive.

The Hailo-8 processor includes memory and runs at up to 26 tera operations per second (TOPS), and when running the ResNet-50 benchmark consumes 1.67 watts and achieve 2.8TOPS/W. Hailo offers a software development kit (SDK) that was co-developed with the hardware.

Areas such as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and smart cities and smart homes often require the use of high-performance cameras to perform tasks such as semantic segmentation and object detection in real time – tasks which Hailo’s chip performs at full resolution while consuming a few watts.

According to preliminary results comparing Hailo-8TM to Nvidia’s Xavier AGX, which runs NN benchmarks such as ResNet-50,

Hailo-8 consumes almost 20 times less power than Nvidia’s Xavier AGX, while performing the same tasks under ResNet-50.

Hailo was founded in 2017 by former members of the technology unit of the Israeli Defense Forces.

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