Hardware modules add features to Raspberry Pi, Beagleboard
xChip modules add a wide variety of functions and come in a standardised modular format. No soldering or breadboarding is required and users can begin coding in minutes without prior electronics knowledge.
RS is stocking the ESP8266, ESP32, ATSAMD21/Cortex M0+, ATmega328P, and SHA-256 cryptographic acceleration, LoRaWAN communication, gesture detection, and VOC environmental/weather sensing chips at this time and will look to expand the range in the near term.
xChip modules encompass processor boards and a variety of supporting functions including WiFi and Bluetooth, OLED displays, capacitive touch sensing, proximity sensing, temperature sensing, universal digital and analogue input modules. Many practical projects have been posted online to help with starting develop.
xChip bridges can connect to the Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero, BeagleBone Black, Minnowboard, 96 Boards and Micro:Bit boards allowing a choice of single-board computers for projects. An advanced USB programming interface supporting the Arduino IDE and a Raspberry Pi programming interface is also available.
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