Housing to use thermal battery for energy storage

Housing to use thermal battery for energy storage

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

CCT Energy Storage will use its thermal battery, or Thermal Energy Device (TED), at homes being developed by Eco Build & Renewables to store cheap power using a phase change material. It demonstrated its first system, a 24kW TED, in March this year.

Chief Executive Serge Bondarenko (above right) said he expected to take 12-18 months to develop the 100kW output required to provide an effective energy storage system for a housing estate.

The thermal battery incorporates a unique phase change material that can store energy at more than 12 times the energy density of a lead acid battery. The stored energy can then be extracted from the thermal battery via a heat engine, to provide an electricity supply when needed. It also provides hot water as a byproduct of the thermal battery system.

“Our standard device with only two minor adapters we can get consistent 78ºC water with no additional cost other than plumbing,” he said. “They are a lot more advanced in the UK than what we are in Australia – their virtual power plants are operational and they’ve got smarts in their control systems where they can actually give the energy to anyone. All they are waiting for now is an energy storage solution that we can provide.”

The housing technology involves sealing a house air tight to maintain indoor temperatures with minimal heating and cooling. This efficiency is then combined with a suite of renewable energy generation including solar PV, batteries and air source heat pumps.

The company is also on track to install its first commercial TED, rated at 15kW, at a mobile phone base station in Adelaide, South Australia, before the end of the year. “By the end of this year we’ll have it installed and we’ll have it fully tested, integrated and independently validated by the end of Q1 next year,” said Bondarenko. 

Next: thermal battery orders

“We’ll basically be taking orders from the beginning of next year because it will be a field test pilot where we will have potential customers coming in to take a look at it,” said Bondarenko.

“There will be the initial test pilots into the industrial and residential sectors and then it will roll out from there whereas the telco model is moving ahead much more quickly and we believe we’ll have sales early next year,” he added.

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