IMEC to support ReRAM developer 4DS

IMEC to support ReRAM developer 4DS

Technology News |
By Peter Clarke

As part of the agreement the two parties will demonstrate the process with a 1Mbit test chip.

4DS Memory was founded in 2007 and has a joint development agreement with Western Digital subsidiary HGST to develop its so-called interface switching ReRAM. The agreement with Western Digital began in 2014 although 4DS had in 2011 already reported on its metal oxide hetro-junction operation (MOHJ0) non-volatile memory. In that presentation, researchers showed a 16kbit cross-point matrix.

4DS has also claimed to have achieved 40nm memory cell dimensions.

One of the aspects of the 4DS ReRAM is that is not a filamentary memory and this distinguishes it from such offerings as phase change memory 3DXpoint from Intel and Micron, CBRAM from Adesto Technologies and silver-over-amorphous-silicon ReRAM from Crossbar Inc.

The claim that switching takes place across the interface to a thin film layer of PrCaMnO3 with the acronym PCMO, for praseodymium calcium metal oxide. This has more in common with the claims of correlated-electron Mott-like transition switching that come from Symetrix Corp. Correlated electron RAM (CeRAM) technology being developed by Professor Carlos Paz de Araujo and colleagues at the University of Colorado and Symetrix (Colorado Springs, Colo.).

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