Infineon, IBM, GreenCom Networks and icentic join forces to secure digital energy infrastructures

Infineon, IBM, GreenCom Networks and icentic join forces to secure digital energy infrastructures

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By eeNews Europe

To this end, Infineon Technologies, IBM, GreenCom Networks and icentic have joined forces to develop and provide scalable solutions for securely connecting these distributed assets into the electrical infrastructure. 
At the European Utilities Week in Amsterdam, 3 -5 October 2017, the partners will demonstrate a first prototype solution at the GreenCom booth 5R26.

Based on Infineon’s OPTIGA embedded security chips built in icentic’s ICEHUB connectivity products, the solution authenticates devices that are connected to GreenCom’s Energy IoT platform. 

Traditionally, solar photovoltaic inverters, heat pumps or batteries have not been designed to be digitally connected for monitoring, control and analytics purposes. Although connecting them to a digital infrastructure allows their management, it also opens the doors for security threats. All the more so as access to data is happening at the infrastructure level as well as in the backend. 
The joint offering of the partners addresses utilities and energy service companies that aim to offer new digital energy services to their customer base in an innovative yet secured way.

It also gears towards device manufacturers that either want to embed security into their energy-relevant assets from the beginning or plan connectivity and security upgrades to enable additional value-added services of their installed devices. 

GreenCom Networks’ Energy IoT platform integrates relevant analytical skills from IBM to forecast and optimize the usage of connected assets. IBM’s Hybrid Intelligence capabilities combine big data analytics, defined hardware-based security at the edge and GreenCom’s platform backend. icentic supplies and manages the required ICEHUB connectivity solution to connect distributed devices in a future-proof and secure way. The embedded security solution of Infineon’s OPTIGA family helps to securely authenticate the connected devices as well as to secure data transmission. 

IBM – and Utilities 

GreenCom – 

icentic –

Infineon –

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