Infotainment designers prefer MOST technology

Infotainment designers prefer MOST technology

Feature articles |
By eeNews Europe

The survey was conducted in the time June through August on the eeNews Europe automotive website. The participants were asked to express their preference for the next-gen infotainment bus system. They could chose among four alternatives: MOST, Ethernet, IEEE 1394 (also known as FireWire) and, for those who believed that a completely different candidate would win the race, "Other".

The results show a clear lead for MOST. 59 percent of the 379 participants gave their vote to the technology developed by the MOST Cooperation, a group of automotive OEMs as well as semiconductor and infotainment system suppliers. Ethernet ranked second, with 29 percent of the respondent. Nevertheless, carmakers and suppliers such as BMW and Continental continue to hint at increased deployment of Ethernet in automotive applications.

IEEE 1394 ranked a distant third place with only 7 percent of the votes though there have been some efforts by the 1394 Trade Association to position the Apple-invented serial isochronous bus standard in the automotive infotainment markets.

The remaining 7 percent (rounding effects disregarded) voted for "others". Other approaches could include serial point-to-point connections such as the Serializer-Deserializer (SerDes) approach developed by, among others, National Semiconductor. High-bandwidth SerDes-based connections have already been announced in automotive systems to connect cameras to advanced driver assistant systems, and we believe that the near future will bring additional implemented.


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