Inline onboard programmer for high-speed in-system programming

Inline onboard programmer for high-speed in-system programming

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RAPIDO is based on the company’s Scanflex architecture, supporting the latest Embedded System Access (ESA) technologies. With its patented mechanics the scaleable solution offers flexible handling and high throughput for production applications. As a result, RAPIDO provides opportunities to significantly reduce inventory management/version control costs and overall manufacturing costs. The first member of the RAPIDO product family, RPS900-S16, provides double-sided probing with up to 900 nail probes and gang programming of up to 16 sites. Supporting all ISP technologies based on embedded system access, available applications include FPGA-assisted programming (FAP), core-assisted programming (CAP) through a JTAG or non-JTAG debug interface of a processor, in-application programming (IAP), and programming via Boundary Scan.
Targets for RAPIDO programming applications are all types of Flash devices, such as NOR, NAND, and eMMC with parallel or serial interface, as well as on-chip memory on micro-controllers and all kinds of PLD and FPGA devices. In the case of Flash accessible through edge connectors or probe points, direct programming through nail probes is possible as well, utilizing RAPIDO’s dynamic I/O resources. Core elements of RAPIDO are the proven and mature software and hardware platforms System Cascon and Scanflex, respectively. In addition, various options can be added to the system configuration in order to incorporate board test applications, to accommodate customer specific extensions, to program through CAN, LIN or FlexRay interfaces, and for communication with pick-and-place feeders and with PASS/FAIL sorters, for example.

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