Inova’s eval boards join Goepel’s automotive interfaces range
Inova Semiconductors, inventor of the APIX standard for real-time gigabit links for automotive applications, has set up a cooperative arrangement with Goepel electronic, vendor of automotive communication interface modules and all-in-one test solutions for automotive control units. Goepel electronic now handles the production, distribution and technical support of evaluation boards for the Inova APIX2 INAP375T and INAP375R products and in particular, the proprietary Inova APIX2_ADK_TX transmitter board as well as the APIX2_ADK_RX receiver boards, respectively _HDMI with HDMI/DVI interface.
Goepel electronic manufactures test technology for the automotive industry and has gained extensive experience with the application of Inova products. These products are used in test system solutions for infotainment control units and in proprietary APIX test systems. Manfred Schneider, Managing Director and Head of the Automotive Test Division at Goepel electronic comments, “We can further expand our own APIX product range and significantly increase the customer base for test solutions by Goepel electronic. We can now provide [customers] with turnkey test systems comprising original Inova technology and, at the same time, offer extensive experience with support and customer-specific integration.”
In infotainment and driver assistance systems, APIX technology is used to connect displays and cameras with head units. Uncompressed HD video, audio and control data can be transmitted between displays or cameras and head units. APIX also provides a 100 Mbps Ethernet link over the same cable which can further reduce cabling costs, weight and space requirements. To integrate this technology, however, automotive customers require related testing technology which Goepel electronic provides.
Using the existing type designations, customers can order APIX2 boards either from Inova or directly from Goepel electronics; www.goepel.com and www.inova-semiconductors.de