Intelligent, multi-purpose switch family supports 24-V battery systems
The solution is ideal for automotive developers looking for increased integration, flexibility and durability.
The first three members of the 24V eXtreme switch family are the MC06XS4200, MC10XS4200 and MC20XS4200 devices for applications such as lighting, DC motors, high-current/highly inductive load and low-current/LED lighting.
Freescale’s intelligent, dual high-side eXtreme switches for 24 V systems feature current capability ranging from 1 to 12 A DC and are fully footprint- and software-compatible. Each output can be programmed to be used for most kinds of loads, including lamps, LEDs, motors or solenoids. This allows customers to design a flexible module that can be optimized for a specific application through software. Freescale’s 24 V eXtreme switch solution provides robust design, intelligence and safety needed for truck applications. Due to increased integration, use of the switch results in lighter-weight, smaller systems and a reduced component count.
Availability and Pricing
The MC06XS4200, MC10XS4200 and MC20XS4200 devices are sampling now, with production quantities planned for Q3 2012. Suggested resale prices will start at $2.41(USD) for 10K units of the MC06XS4200 and will be available from Freescale and its distribution partners.
More information about the new eXtreme switches at