Intel’s RealSense Camera for real 3D scanning – in distribution
New Products
Graham Prophet
With these attributes, the camera “sees” like the human eye to sense depth and track human motion,with 3D data output. It features a 2nd Generation ASIC with an RGB latency of <1 msec offering an autonomous mode with auto exposure and auto range. The System Module has a >5x reduction in standby power, an option for wake up on RealSense and a 340 mW reduction in active power. The software features the new “Virtual Stylus” gesture mode with jitter free hover and a 2x improvement in gestures speed (up to 2 m/sec).
Rutronik will show the camera at the electronica trade fair, in its Embedded Innovation Centre display, in hall A5, stand 262.
Rutronik; www.rutronik.com