Internet-on-a-chip Wi-Fi modules

Internet-on-a-chip Wi-Fi modules

Market news |
By eeNews Europe

The SimpleLink family was introduced as a low-power platform to simplify the ability to connect IoT solutions. Developers gain additional design flexibility with a certified Internet-on-a-chip module option, allowing easy integration of embedded Wi-Fi and Internet connectivity into home, industrial and consumer electronics. Using modules helps developers lower development costs, reduces time to market, and simplifies procurement and certification. The modules have complete antenna reference designs.

The modules are Wi-Fi CERTIFIED and FCC/IC/CE/TELEC certified, which can be transferred to end products; there is flexibility to program applications using any microcontroller (MCU) with the CC3100 solution, or exploit the CC3200’s integrated, user-dedicated, programmable ARM Cortex-M4 MCU, allowing customers to run their own code on-chip.

Low power consumption enables battery operated devices with a low power radio and advanced low power modes supporting the ability to run on two AA batteries for more than a year. Simplified development for the IoT comes with quick connection, cloud support and on-chip Wi-Fi, Internet and robust security protocols, requiring no prior Wi-Fi experience to get a product connected

The modules provide the ability to simply and securely connect devices to a Wi-Fi access point (AP) using a phone or tablet app, or a web browser, with multiple provisioning options including SmartConfig™ Technology, WPS and AP mode

TI now offers module versions of the CC3100 BoosterPack and the CC3200 LaunchPad, in addition to the chip based-kits that were previously available. The SimpleLink Wi-Fi family comes with cloud connectivity support through TI’s IoT cloud ecosystem members.

The CC3200 module is available for $19.99 (1,000); the CC3100 module is $14.99; the CC3200 module LaunchPad (CC3200MODLAUNCHXL) and CC3100 module BoosterPack (CC3100MODBOOST) are also available for $59.99 and $49.99 respectively.


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