Internet-ready credit card sized versatile instrument makes debut on Kickstarter
For only $299, the company offers an instrument stripped down to its absolute essentials, that is the high performance measurement and communication functionality. Smartphones and tablets make the connection to a whole ecosystem called Bazaar, a free of charge marketplace where open source applications are available within a single click for immediate use.
Initial out-of-the-box applications include oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, arbitrary signal generator, frequency response analyzer and PID controller.
New applications can be easily developed in the Backyard, which contains an organized repository with the corresponding open source code and tools necessary for developing applications. Advanced users can learn directly by modifying the source code and therefore share new applications with others.
Red Pitaya is expected to find applications in education, DIY, engineering, physics, machine vision, learning, precise mechanics, startups, SDR, home laboratories, industrial quality control and others.
The concept was created by a team of young researchers with a background in the field of high performance technologies for particle accelerators, that have been working for Instrumentation Technologies, a world leader in this field. Their vision is to enable people to start using technologies, yesterday available only to advanced research laboratories and industry.
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