Invensense claims world’s first single-chip, integrated high performance 3-axis industrial gyroscope

Invensense claims world’s first single-chip, integrated high performance 3-axis industrial gyroscope

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Drastically cutting the size through integration, MPU-3300 is 10X smaller than currently shipping industrial gyroscopes, claims the manufacturer, enabling industrial product designers to easily assemble the single-chip, three-axis digital gyroscope into their devices with the highest degree of axis alignment vs. assembling three discrete gyroscope devices. The MPU-3300 also offers more than 100% lower noise compared to alternative offerings, providing accurate measurements for critical industrial applications.

The MPU-3300, with a bias instability of 15 degrees/hour, is highly suited for a range of industrial applications including Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) which require extremely stable performance for precision-attitude tracking. AHRS systems are found in aerospace, robotics, and other applications where the orientation of a device must be measured. Navigation systems in industrial vehicles, aircraft and ships can also benefit from the highly accurate gyroscope technology while manufacturers of industrial instruments such as hand-held inventory control devices value the low-power consumption of the MPU-3300 at less than 10mW. Other applications that can benefit from the new MPU-3300 include antenna stabilization, precision robotics, inventory control systems, survey instruments, factory equipment, industrial power tools, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), precision agricultural machinery, guidance and steering products, and construction equipment.

The MPU-3300 features a factory calibrated, monolithic 3-axis gyroscope in a small 4x4x0.9mm QFN package that simplifies placement, alignment and calibration tasks for easy integration into space-constrained products. It is designed for operation in temperatures ranging from -40°C to +105°C, making it suitable for harsh industrial environments. The MPU-3300 sensitivity scale factor variation over this temperature range is ±2%, and zero-rate output variation over this temperature range is ±0.14dps/°C. MPU-3300 also offers industry leading noise performance at 0.005dps/√Hz which is significantly better than competitor industrial gyroscope performance of 0.01 to 0.03dps/√Hz. Moreover, the MPU-3300 includes high resolution 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), programmable digital filters, low current consumption of only 3.6mA, an embedded temperature sensor, and both SPI and I2C interfaces.

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