Ionity boosts UK 350kW fast charger network

Ionity boosts UK 350kW fast charger network

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Ionity is a fast charger joint venture between Daimler, Ford, BMW and the Volkswagen Group with Audi and Porsche and has teamed up with the Extra MSA Group to fund the High-Power-Charging (HPC) Stations for the UK motorway network. 

The first IONITY/Extra HPC Station will open at Extra’s £60m M1 J45 Leeds Skelton Lake MSA later this year, followed by seven 350kW HPC Stations. Each station will have up to six 350 kW chargers that can charge next-generation electric vehicles in 20-30 minutes.

This is part of a move to have a network of 40 HPC Stations for the UK by end of 2020. The company is currently installing 400 HPC Stations across Europe by end of 2020, providing up to 2400 charging points. Other partners in the UK IONITY network include Shell and Motor Fuels Group. 

“Extra is a long-term investor in the MSA sector and we are pleased to have established a good working relationship with IONITY to deliver additional HPC Stations on the UK Motorway Network,” said Andrew Long, CEO of the Extra MSA Group. “IONITY can provide the latest charging technology as required for a new generation of electric vehicles and which facilities will become an increasingly important part of all of Extra’s ‘umbrella branded’ MSAs, inclusive of those within our ‘pipeline’ of proposed new MSA developments.” 

The fast charger roll out was backed by the UK government. “The Government’s ambition is for the UK to be the best place in the world to own an electric vehicle,” said Michael Ellis, Roads Minister for the UK government.

“To achieve this, we are working to ensure high quality charging infrastructure is in place to support the clean, green vehicles travelling across the country. Our Road to Zero strategy outlined plans to support the delivery of an electric vehicle infrastructure network that is accessible, reliable, affordable and secure and so we welcome IONITY’s plans to install High Power Charging networks across UK motorways.”

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