IoT module lets developers focus on applications

IoT module lets developers focus on applications

By eeNews Europe

The module is powered by a rechargeable Li-Ion battery and has a variety of sensors including ambient light sensor, UV sensor, pressure sensor, relative humidity sensor, and a microphone, as well as an accelerometer and magnetometer.

SensiBLE 2.0 is based around STMicroelectronics’ Bluetooth 4.2 module SPBTLE-1S. It includes the BLE v4.2 stack running on an ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit core. It uses the BlueNRG-1 integrated DC-DC step-down converter for lower power usage in active mode. The module runs at 32MHz, has 160 KB of flash and 24 KB of embedded RAM.

SensiBLE 2.0 is compatible with the STBLESensor application (available for Android and iOS) – making it easy to read values and send them to Cloud and SensiBleWindows. The source codes of both programs can be found on the GitHub. The SensiBLE 2.0 software code is available online and it can be easily customized.

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