IP prototyping platform is built around the Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA SoC

IP prototyping platform is built around the Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA SoC

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The proFPGA product family is a complete, scalable, and modular multi-FPGA Prototyping solution, which fulfills highest needs in the area of FPGA-based ASIC prototyping. The new members of this flexible system concept are the proFPGA Zynq UltraScale+ ZU11EG, ZU17EG and ZU19EG FPGA modules, which can easily be mounted on the proFPGA uno, duo or quad motherand mixed with other proFPGA FPGA molike Virtex-7, Virtex UltraScale, Virtex UltraScale+ or Kintex UltraScale modules.

The proFPGA Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA modules address customers who require a complete embedded processing platform for high performance SoC Prototyping, IP verification and early software development. Nearly all SoC and ASIC designs contain some types of ARM processors. Instead of implementing these ARM cores into the FPGA and occupying important FPGA resources the user can take the proFPGA Zynq UltraScale+ module which already has two embedded ARM multi-core processors with verified interfaces and memory. In addition, the new FPGA module offers a direct ARM debug interface from which the user can benefit by using the proven ARM debug environment in combination with the proFPGA prototyping system and by putting the focus on the actual verification of his design.
The proFPGA Zynq UltraScale+ embedded processing platform comes with the proFPGA Builder software, which provides an extensive set of features, like advanced clock management, integrated self- and performance tests, automatic board detection, I/O voltage programming, system scan and safety mechanism and remote system configuration.
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