Ireland launches 2030 quantum strategy

Ireland launches 2030 quantum strategy

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Ireland has launched its first national strategy for quantum technologies with a target to be a leading  hub by 2030.

The Quantum 2030 strategy aims to tap into the technology companies already in the country such as Microsoft, Google, Intel and Analog Devices to focus the efforts of Ireland’s quantum technologies community on areas of emerging growth in quantum technologies where Ireland can achieve a competitive advantage.

Quantum computing application development activities in Ireland, both in academia and enterprise organisations, have been growing exponentially over the past three years. 

“The publication of Quantum 2023 marks the adoption of its vision as a whole-of-Government policy goal,” said Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. “The strategy sets out a path for Ireland to be an internationally competitive hub for quantum technologies by 2030.”

“We believe Ireland can build on our existing successes in information and communication technologies to become a global leader in research, development and innovation that underpins the quantum revolution and to become the hub for realising and exploiting the new opportunities in quantum technologies, in particular in quantum computing and communications.”

Quantum computing has a long research tradition in Ireland, ranging from the development of key enabling technologies to the  realisation of hardware and software, and transfer to applications.

“As Ireland’s National Institute in integrated ICT, we are thrilled that the Government set a policy goal to make Ireland an internationally competitive hub on quantum technologies. Tyndall has been paving the way for more than a decade with leading research in the engineering of quantum materials and devices for qubit realisation. Quantum 2030 is a springboard to amplify innovation nationally and enhance our international recognition,” said Dr Giorgos Fagas, Head of CMOS++ and EU Programmes at Tyndall.

The strategy paper points to the highly interconnected quantum community with capabilities and strengths across the full quantum stack well beyond what the small size of the country would suggest. Coupled to this is the presence of many of the world’s largest quantum technology enterprises in Ireland it says.

There are four pillars to the strategy with an additional, entangled pillar that interacts with all four pillars for awareness. Notably, the strategy recognises the importance of fundamental research in broad quantum computing and sensing technologies and related science and engineering with an increasing focus specifically on quantum technologies.

This week, the Quantum Electronic Devices (QED) Group at the Tyndall National Institute announced a €2.6m project looking at germanium hole-spins on silicon as qubits for quantum computers.

The QED Group has partnered with UK academics from the University of Warwick, University College London and University of Cambridge to solve one of the main challenges for scalability in architectures using the germanium-silicon spin qubits.

The GeQuantumBus project aims to overcome limitations by using coupler quantum dots to control qubit-qubit interaction.

“GeQuantumBus offers the ideal challenge to elaborate our significant research programme on new material platforms for qubit realisation. Our QED group will contribute with our expertise on processing and nanomaterials along with condensed matter theory and structural characterisation. The project allows us to collaborate with top-class leading experts to address a most challenging issue for semiconductor spin qubits,” said Fagas.

The project funding of €2.6m is from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is supported by a global MNC and a UK SME, and five other international collaborators.;



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