iSystem embedded development and test environment for Segger J-Link
This responds to strong growth of the Cortex microcontroller market, offering customers a simple and cost-efficient entry in the Cortex embedded world, using the free version winIDEA Open and the integrated J-Link support. A GNU compiler for Cortex-M is also supplied. Extensive support as well as compliance with further compilers is available through an upgrade to a regular winIDEA version; the upgrade price is €1,000.
Integration of Segger J-Link debuggers in winIDEA is part of iSystem’s Cortex initiative 2013, to broaden the user base of the winIDEA/testIDEA development and test environment, which is particularly popular in the automotive industry, the company says.
J-Link is a tool that allows development engineers to substantially reduce turn-around times in the software development process, for example, by ultra-fast flash downloads. The cooperation of iSystem and Segger provides developers with a complete package comprised of a development environment and debug probe that supports an unlimited amount of breakpoints in the microcontroller flash memory.
The companies plan to extend the integration of these tools over the next months and launch another license variant of winIDEA for Segger’s J-Link that will also support the Cortex A and R derivatives as well as Cortex M.
Segger Microcontroller develops and distributes hardware and software development tools as well as software components for embedded systems; products include: embOS (RTOS), emWin (GUI), emFile (File System), emUSB (USB host and device stack) and embOS/IP (TCP/IP stack). Integrated programming and development tools include the Flasher (stand-alone flash programmer) and the J-Link/J-Trace emulator.
Isystem specialises in embedded development and test tools provides debugger and analyser solutions for more than 50 CPU architectures and their derivatives (3000+ microcontrollers). iSystem‘s new fully software configurable iC5000 platform adapts to a multifunctional analyser, development and test tool for many different processors and controllers. An optional I/O module adds the capability to generate, monitor and trace digital as well as analog signals. Additionally, iC5000 can measure the power and current consumption on target level. More information;