ITAR-free integrated vision system for SOSA designs

ITAR-free integrated vision system for SOSA designs

New Products |
By Nick Flaherty

Concurrent Technologies in the UK has launched an ITAR-free, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) AI vision computer system that can be used in SOSA designs.

The Helios system is based on a 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 processor combined with an Nvidia Pascal GP107 GPU and 4Gbytes of GDDR5 memory in a P2000 module for machine learning frameworks.

Helios also has an eight lane PCI Express Gen3.0 interface to provide sufficient I/O and storage flexibility to meet a range of customer applications. It supports 16Gbytes of DDR4 DRAM memory with 4Tbytes of removal storage.

These include command and control display, degraded vision enhancement and 360° vehicle navigation for system suing the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA).


The key is that the system is designed in alignment with the SOSA specification which will enable Concurrent Technologies to launch future rugged storage, sensing and control systems by using a different mix of Plug In Cards (PICs). SOSA is driven by the US military and the components and sub-systems being launched can have ITAR restrictions on the export of technology.

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This is not the case with the system designed and built by UK-based Concurrent, which measures 147 x 241 x 102mm and weighs 5.5kg

“The launch of Helios is a milestone achievement demonstrating our commitment to provide our customers with rugged systems based on our fantastic range of PICs.  Creating rugged solutions driven by customer demand is a key pillar of our growth strategy, Helios is a major step in that direction and I expect to make further announcements as we enhance our portfolio and capabilities,” said Miles Adcock, CEO of Concurrent Technologies.

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