Joint venture for green hydrogen in Norway

Joint venture for green hydrogen in Norway

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Nel Fuel, a subsidiary of hydrogen production equipment maker Nel has established Green H2 Norway, a joint venture producing renewable hydrogen facilities for the Hyundai trucks that are expected in Norway from 2020.

The venture with H2 Energy, Greenstat and Akershus Energi Infrastruktur will add in other potential partners for large-scale electrolysis-based hydrogen production in 2020. Green H2 Norway is intended to be the exclusive supplier of renewable hydrogen for Hyundai trucks in Norway.

“Our plan is to build several facilities for renewable hydrogen production across Norway, and serve the market with true, zero-emission hydrogen. Hyundai has indicated that they are looking into supplying hydrogen trucks already from 2020, and high numbers from 2021 and beyond. We believe the timing for this is correct, as we also see hydrogen trucks and buses becoming available in large numbers and car manufacturers scaling up the production volumes,” said Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel. 

“The sites for producing renewable hydrogen will be capable of delivering green hydrogen not only to Hyundai trucks, but also to a number of other applications like buses, cars, ferries and fast ferries. The parties intend to establish the first production site just outside Oslo to serve the Oslo/Akershus region,” he added. 

“Akershus Energi, Greenstat and Nel are true pioneers in the field of green hydrogen and we are very pleased having such experienced and strong partners on our side to work towards decarbonisation. Hydrogen trucks are not just new trucks. They require an entirely new ecosystem and to implement such an ecosystem in less than 12 months it is essential to have partners you can build on,” said Rolf Huber, Chairman of H2 Energy.

“We are excited to be a part of this initiative that will accelerate the market for hydrogen trucks, and renewable hydrogen in Norway,” said Vegard Frihammer, Green Executive Officer of Greenstat.

“Akershus Energi are very pleased with establishing this joint venture together with Nel, H2 Energy and Greenstat. Together we have ambitious growth plans for large scale hydrogen production and distribution in Norway. We look forward to working towards establishing a large production facility in our region in 2020,” says Eskil Lunde Jensen, CEO of Akershus Energi.

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