Keysight, CharIN collaborate to accelerate CCS for EVs

Keysight, CharIN collaborate to accelerate CCS for EVs

Business news |
By Rich Pell

As part of CharIN’s efforts to establish a global standard for electric vehicle charging, Keysight will offer its test and protocol expertise in charging communication protocols, power electronics, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and measurement technology. Keysight will also actively support the implementation of direct current (DC) fast chargers, as well as join forces with CharIN to help guarantee interoperability between electric vehicles and charging stations.

Power transmission and reliable data exchange between electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is a fundamental requirement for a safe and functioning charging process. In addition to the technical and legal requirements, environmental factors, such as on-site power grids and climatic conditions, need to be addressed during product development. Keysight’s Scienlab portfolio offers modular, customizable test solutions for all automotive charging systems and batteries, including CCS high power DC charging up to 1000 V and 350 kW.

“Keysight is proud to be a member of the CharIN eV association and leverage our specialized knowledge in power electronics and electronic testing technology to enable e-mobility innovations in the automotive and energy industry,” said Siegfried Gross, vice president and general manager of Keysight’s Automotive and Energy Solutions group. “Keysight provides customers with flexible testing solutions for charging application test needs with a focus on both EV as well as EVSE.”

“We are delighted to welcome Keysight Technologies Deutschland as a member of CharIN e.V. We are also happy to continue the valuable focus group contributions with Keysight that we successfully started with Scienlab a long time ago,” said Claas Bracklo, Chairman of CharIN e.V.


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