Latching multi-throw coaxial switch

Latching multi-throw coaxial switch

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By eeNews Europe

The CCR-39 latching switch covers frequencies from DC to 10 GHz and is available with 12, 15, 24 and 28 coil voltages. It has a characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms and an individual latching actuator allowing random position selection and minimal switching time. The latching actuator ensures that the latching switch remains in the last position selected when the switch is de-energized.

The expansion of the CCR-39 series reduce switch count from 3 switches to achieve a SP10T (1 SPDT to 2 SP5T switches), thus being able to offer smaller, price competitive switching systems.

The coaxial switch measures 7.87- x 7.87- x 7.04-cm (3.10 x 3.10 x 2.77 inches) and has a maximum weight of 255.2 g.

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