LED backlight increasingly displaces CFL, market researcher says

LED backlight increasingly displaces CFL, market researcher says

Market news |
By eeNews Europe

Unfortunately, in light of the subsequent global economic downturn, the end market demand weakened substantially. Budget-priced products instead became the prime choice among consumers. The persisting price gap between LED and CCFL displays continued to discouraged potential buyers from choosing LED displays. Moreover, brand vendors also needed to clear some of their CCFL displays inventory, resulting in the overall LED TV and LED Monitor penetration rates to merely reach 41.6% and 39.7% in 2011 respectively.

WitsView indicated that to effectively stimulate LED display sales in 2012, the market focus in the backlight design will migrate toward lowering the material costs and the brightness level. In 2011, the current mainstream 380 nits edge-type LED backlight in 2011 will be replaced by the 330 nits direct-type design in 2012. By taking the 32” display as an example, through the new approach, the LED package usage can be reduced from 80 to 35 pieces. Another inherent advantage is that, for light distribution, only the diffuser plate is needed while the expensive light guide plate is no longer required. This material cost advantage closes the cost difference between 32” LED and CCFL models to a mere $7. Undoubtedly, the direct-type design will significantly help boost the sales of LED displays, the market researcher estimates.

In general, WitsView projects that in 2012, the LED TV market penetration rate will grow to 68.4%, while LED monitors will exceed the 70% mark, reaching 71.9%.

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